22 series gas

→ The most widely used greenhouse gases are refrigerants in air conditioning and refrigeration systems
→ Used in cold stores, industrial refrigerators, as well as industrial and domestic air conditioning systems
→ A non-toxic and non-flammable gas

R22 gas is one of the most famous and widely used refrigerant gases used in various refrigeration, cooling and air conditioning systems. This gas is a popular choice for many industries and domestic and industrial applications due to its outstanding characteristics. One of the most common uses of R22 gas is in domestic refrigeration systems, including refrigerators and freezers. Due to its ability to provide reliable and stable cooling, it is used in many household appliances that require continuous cooling. In the field of air conditioning, R22 gas is used as one of the main refrigerants in air conditioning units in buildings, office centers and work rooms. This gas is widely used in systems such as air conditioners, splits, chillers and mini-chillers and is a popular choice for these equipment due to its high efficiency.

Technical specifications

Refrigerant gas brandfalcon
Chemical name Dichlorodifluoromethane (CHClF2)
Molecular weight86.47
Boiling pointMinus 40.8 degrees Celsius
Critical temperature96.2 degrees Celsius
Critical pressure49.8 times
Density of matter in the liquid state1.18 grams per cubic centimeter
Solubility ratio with water0.219 degrees Celsius per hundred grams of water